Quite simply, Geniusin is looking to gather first hand, everyday accessibility experiences from wheelchair users with its new buzz2get app and give the information back to shops, restaurants, pubs, petrol stations, coffee shops, etc. free of charge, so that they can make the positive changes to welcome and include people who have to consider their accessibility needs every time they go out.
We would like to collect as many experiences as possible by the 30th of September 2017. Good, bad or indifferent across all locations and in conjunction with TripAble.org we will produce a report to send to the places you mention and also make it freely available to any organisation that wants to use it for the good of the community.
All you need to do is download buzz2get and use the accessibility feedback button to anonymously leave us simple or detailed comments on your experience wherever you are, by giving us just three pieces of information, where you are shop, coffee shop etc. the place, street or town and what you want to say.
If you are in a hotel you can from the app go directly to TripAble.org and use the scoring system for others in the community to use in planning their trips.
The app is free to download and use, it also has other functions and you don’t need to register or leave an email address, unless you want to of course. We need you to take part and with your help we can create a more accessible world.